“Kami memiliki beberapa fragmen yang kemudian kami pasangkan dan menemukan DNA manusia. Tak mengejutkan jika hal ini mengecewakan banyak orang,” kata Rob Ogden dari Royal Zoological Society di Skotlandia.
Menurut kriptolog Loren Coleman, penjelasan logis pada jari ini adalah, jari ini milik biksu terkenal yang kisahnya hilang selama berabad-abad yang kemudian dikaitkan dengan relik Yeti.
Fearsome: An artist's impression of what the mythical Yeti would look like
The Yeti' finger, pictured that was displayed at London's Royal College of Surgeons
The Daily Mail backed the Yeti Everest Expedition in 1954, where a team of scientists managed to track several trails of giant footprints on their trek
Team members of the 1954 expedition take a break. The team was made up of several respected scientists, including zoologist Charles Stonor, Tom Stobart, Dr Biswamoy Biswas, and Gerald Russell, who had assisted in the capture of the first live Panda
The Yeti finger was on display several years ago at the Royal College of Surgeons, pictured
di kutip dari : http://www.klikunic.com/2011/12/temuan-jari-yeti-ungkap-rahasia-makhluk.html#ixzz1i7mEJi6H
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